
SkillsUSA Honors 奥古斯塔 Tech's Sherrie罗 with National Award

恭喜你女士. Sherrie罗 on SkillsUSA Educator of the Year!





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SkillsUSA Honors Sherrie罗 with National Award

Outstanding Educator recognized for student development and program leadership


Ms. Sherrie罗, a Caucasian female with short white hair and glasses, 戴着中等大小的银色环形耳环, a white turtle neck with a black and white polk-a-dot scarf, and a black and white dress jacket with a square pattern weave.弗吉尼亚州斯. — A Georgia educator has won a prestigious Outstanding Career and Technical Educator award for participation in SkillsUSA and career and technical education. The award was presented to Sherrie罗, a design and media technology instructor at 奥古斯塔 (Ga.技术学院.

SkillsUSA的最高认可之一, the Educator of the Year is awarded to outstanding individuals who guide SkillsUSA members to becoming leaders in their chosen fields. 没有定期奖励, it is given only when the SkillsUSA Board of Directors wants to honor an exceptional educator for their service and dedication to career and technical education and SkillsUSA.

Rowe has mentored many students over the years and genuinely made a difference in their lives. She is the department chair for Design and Media Production Technology at 奥古斯塔 Tech, where she has been an instructor for 24 years. She is the only teacher to receive a Teacher of the Year Award twice for the college. She serves as the SkillsUSA Georgia postsecondary coordinator for contests in the World of Computers and the World of Design Media. A member of the SkillsUSA Georgia Postsecondary State Planning Committee since 2015, she was also a finalist in 2019 for the Rick Perkins Georgia State Teacher of the Year award. Rowe previously served as the testing coordinator for SkillsUSA Georgia Postsecondary and currently serves as the association’s webmaster. 哦,麦可·威廉姆斯, 罗的一个学生, describes her as “an outstanding teacher who ensures her students succeed in class and in life.” To read more about this giving teacher, see Rah’mere’s story in the SkillsUSA冠军杂志.

“Sherrie is a SkillsUSA champion with a true passion for helping students develop their talents and leadership, 切尔·特拉维斯说, SkillsUSA的执行董事. “Her dedication SkillsUSA and to career and technical education is inspiring.”

请与简·肖特联系 if you need more information or if you would like photos or contact information for the honoree. 


SkillsUSA is a nonprofit partnership of education and industry founded in 1965 to strengthen our nation’s skilled workforce. 受雇主需求驱动, SkillsUSA helps students develop necessary personal and workplace skills along with technical skills grounded in academics. This SkillsUSA Framework empowers every student to succeed at work and in life, while helping to close the skills gap in which millions of positions go unfilled. Through SkillsUSA’s championships program and curricula, employers have long ensured schools are teaching relevant technical skills, and with SkillsUSA’s new credentialing process, they can now assess how ready potential employees are for the job. SkillsUSA has members nationwide in high schools, 大学和中学, 覆盖130多个行业, 技术性和技术性服务职业, 并得到了美国的认可.S. departments of Education and Labor as integral to career and technical education. 我们已经服务了近13个.自1965年以来已有800万会员. 更多信息:


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